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Thread: Flexibility of Maps

  1. #1
    Forum Member zeus's Avatar
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    Flexibility of Maps


    *) The Vantage - Listing Location widget, can it be integrated in the listing post so that it's more visible? There's currently a bunch of small boxy widgets in the footer, and I'd like there to be a larger widget above the footer but below the post which contains the map (basically what the map looks like in the admin view when you're editing a listing).

    *) Can the address custom field be used by other map plugins? I'd like to show a map with pins of all my listings for the category on the category archive page, and I'm guessing the basic map functionality of Vantage would necessitate a 3rd party plugin to achieve this?

    *) Finally, this last question is from the end-user perspective. If I'm a visitor to a business listing site, I would want the site to geo-locate me and present me with locations relative to my location. A site that does this will have a better user experience than a site that makes someone type in their location first. Is their any way to do this with the Vantage theme?

  2. #2
    Shannon's Avatar
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    Hello Zeus.

    Most of what you ask for would require some significant customization and code work.

    The first item would probably be the easiest as you would just need to create a widgetized space in the body of the single listing page and then change some CSS to make the map fit accordingly.

    On your second point, a plugin could be built to utilize the address fields, and even the longitudes and laditudes generated by Vantage. However, there is not a plugin that we are aware of that can simply make use of this data without further development. If you wanted to try develop a plugin or add the needed code to make it play well with an existing plugin, let us know. I could get one of our devs to give you some direction on it.

    The last point would be an incredibly awesome feature but this is not something the theme could do or something that we plan on incorporating anytime soon.

    We will be improving the map and location features in Vantage for the next major feature release. Point one might be a consideration. Point two is definitely a consideration and point three is not something we would consider, at least for now.

    Hope that helps. Let me know if we can answer any other questions.


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