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Thread: Free Upgrade to 3.0 if I purchase now? Plus one more questio

  1. #1
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    Free Upgrade to 3.0 if I purchase now? Plus one more questio

    I'm thinking about purchasing now, if I can get free upgrade to 3.0. Would that be the case?

    Also, it's a big deal for me to have some way for the user to search via a region (similar to Craigslist). I want my site to be nationwide, but I want a user to be able to only view ads within a specific region (like "Dallas/Fort Worth", for example).

    I don't want to have to build a category (manually) for every state and every major region, and then add the same sub-categories for every one of them. That would take forever.

    Will this be present?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: Free Upgrade to 3.0 if I purchase now? Plus one more questio

    Version 3.0.1 is the current version available if you purchase ClassiPress now, and as always future upgrades are still free.

    The short answer is no, but if you read the discussion about the current search function in another thread, and if you read the reply from the developer (dcowgill) there is some indication there are further changes yet to come..

    Obviously you can check out the demo to see how it currently works in 3.0

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar


    If I now get the professional version and later is I need WP MU then upgrade to Ultimate version, is it ok? and I just need to pay for the different? $40 do I need to reinstall the entire team.

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    If I now get the professional version and later is I need WP MU then upgrade to Ultimate version, is it ok? and I just need to pay for the different? $40 do I need to reinstall the entire team.
    Yes, you will be able to upgrade your licence package at a later date if you wish, simply paying the difference between licence costs at the time of upgrade. Yes you would generally reinstall the theme to ensure new licence features are picked up.

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