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Thread: Front Page - latest listings - Can I use custom fields?

  1. #1
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    Front Page - latest listings - Can I use custom fields?

    Hi there. Just found this theme and I think it will work perfect for a few projects, before I buy i need to know a few things.

    I see that you can create custom fields. I am going to create 2 custom field - "event date" and "event number". I noticed that the demo and all the showcase websites have the listings organized by "date posted" which I do not want. I need to have the latest lisings being oraganized by price, location, "event date", and "event number".

    So my question is, Can this be done? Can i have my custom fields be used on the lastest listings area?

    Thank you so much for your time and help. i really want to pull the trigger and buy this buy I need to know this information.

  2. #2
    Founder dcowgill's Avatar
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    Re: Front Page - latest listings - Can I use custom fields?

    Yes, you can add custom fields but you need to know how to code in php and understand wordpress tags.

    As for sorting based on your custom fields, yes it's doable but the same need to understand how to change the code.

    Hope that answers your questions!

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