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Thread: Functionality of ClassiPress

  1. #1
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    Functionality of ClassiPress

    Okay so here is what I need it to be able to do. Please tell me if this is possible.

    I want to make a site that allows me to regulate who can sign up. It can only allow college students (via their email) to sign up and use the site. Next I want to incorporate a tool that allows users to fill out what they want/need in their apartment and have it provide the top 3 recommendations. Finally, can I break it up into personal listings via students, and corporate listings via apartment complexes etc.

    With the help of a developer, is this possible?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In terms of registrations, you can either enable or disable this option. If you disable registrations then this would mean you could manually create user accounts and therefore determine who can post on the site. If you enable it then anyone can register.

    There is no built in function which would enable you to provide recommendations as you describe, so yes this would require modification of the default theme on your part.

    You can create whatever categories you wish for the listings, with relevant ad forms for each category if you need it. Having pricing packages allows you to charge different rates depending on the type of listing.

    With the help of a developer anything is potentially possible, our themes are not encrypted so you are free to make changes if you wish. Out of what you have listed, possibly only the recommendations functionality would require actual customization of the theme (unless you wanted something further from your categories). AppThemes does not offer customization services, however we do have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire. If you contact them directly with an outline of your requirements, they can provide a quote for changes you wish to make. Thanks.

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