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Thread: General questions before I buy

  1. #1
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    Guest Angela's Avatar

    General questions before I buy

    Can people who are submitting listings create a user name and password so they can log back in and remove tier ad once it sells? Can they also pay online if they want premium placement of their classified ad? Will this be automatic, or is action needed by the Admin to make this work? Can the site be set up so that all classified ad submissions be reviewed before going live? We want to offer free listings as classified ads for individuals and then sell sponsored ads to businesses. I see the small 4-pack of sponsored ads on the side bar. Is there any other space available to position business sponsored (paid) advertising? Thank you.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    By default, ClassiPress requires users to register before they can post ads, so yes once they have done so, they can manage their ads (edit/delete). There is a featured listing option which allows the ad to appear in the featured listings slider at the top of the homepage. If you set a payment option for it, this will publish automatically once the transaction has completed. Yes you can charge a mixture of free or paid listings, and determine whether ads are moderated before posting if they are free ads or incomplete transactions. There are single ad page and banner ad spaces, however you can purchase addons from the AppThemes marketplace which can offer additional ad placement as well as other features so you may like to check those out. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    There is a featured listing option which allows the ad to appear in the featured listings slider at the top of the homepage. If you set a payment option for it, this will publish automatically once the transaction has completed.
    I don't have to change the code to do this, right?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I don't have to change the code to do this, right?
    No, this is a default feature already built into the theme and can be configured from the ClassiPress admin dashboard. Thanks.

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