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Thread: geo codes needed for csv import?

  1. #1
    Marcel M
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    geo codes needed for csv import?

    i love your vantage theme. One question: I would like to fill the database with 6000 addresses i have collected. unfortunately i dont have geo codes for the items. but i have the full adress with street, number, zip code, city and land. does the google map work with these informations? or do i have to get geo codes first?

    Thank you very much in advance.

    kindest regards

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The example import file for listings gives an address field as well as lat/long fields for accuracy, so you can use just the address if that's what you have - but it will take time for the queries to complete as Vantage uses Google's geocoding for the map. You may like to read this post regarding Google maps daily usage limits. Also further documentation on importing very large listings here. Thanks.

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