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Thread: Сhecking licensed copy

  1. #1
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    Guest excelsaffian's Avatar

    Сhecking licensed copy

    How do you test a licensed copy of classipress? For example check the license of software is done by checking the key that is given when purchasing the product. I ask this because the network has a pirated copy classipress. Sorry for my english)))

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    If you have concerns about a pirated copy of our theme, you are more than welcome to notify us of the URL and we can investigate further. (E-mail: support at appthemes dot com) Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest excelsaffian's Avatar
    You are probably confused, I am not a scammer, I wonder just because I want to buy classipress. I want to know on what basis the theme will be bought mine. For example, I buy you a theme and then, someone stole my theme, how do I prove that it is mine and I bought it from you. Is there something like ID, keys and so on?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    No, I'm not confused. Again, if you suspect someone is using an illegal copy of our theme, then you can simply contact us. You do not need to concern yourself with how you need to prove this kind of thing as we are happy to investigate this.

    I'm not about to discuss the finer details of this, as you are asking a question that generally people who plan to illegally use a copy of something would usually want to know. Not implying you, just anyone who may read this thread.

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