The forums used to be completely open until around June this year when we moved to this new forum setup. Previously we were inundated with support requests from non-officially licenced people, but now we can be sure we are assisting those who are genuinely interested in purchasing, or have already purchased one of our themes.
I understand what you're saying, however it's unlikely we would open up other areas of the forums at this stage. Having access to the Feature Requests and other areas of the forum is a benefit of being a customer I guess, but not just that - official announcements about any of our products are made in the blog, so this is the most reliable source for potential customers to learn about our themes instead of wading through pages of discussion about what people would like to see ;)
Also, customers who post their URL in the Showcase and Feedback forum don't always want their address to be public to those outside of the community.. Sometimes they want feedback before they launch, so the Showcase on the homepage is where the ones who are happy to share, have been placed.
I hope this explains why we have the current setup a little better :)