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Thread: Hi

  1. #1
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    Junior Member Rexxcom's Avatar
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    Hi I purchased the Mobile Plugin:

    But I didn't receive the login details for the support forum, so I put here my questions:

    1. I would like to add the logo in the header instead of the site title text.

    2. I would like to delete the price tag in the mobile version (I already deleted it in the main theme, but the mobile version shows a kind of button or so.)

    3. In the footer there is the text "Powered by Wordpress + WPTouch". How can I delete that?

    4. Also, it seems that not every category is diplayed in the mobile theme. (Is is because my databank is still pretty empty? No I didn't exclude any category)

    5. I would like to replace the apple-touch-icon that currently is a "notes"-icon with my own. Am I right, when I just replace the "Default.png" in "images" with my own icon (32x32pixel)?

    I searched in the Editor for the solution, but I can't see where to change the code. I hope you can help me with my 5 questions.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    Please take note that official support is only provided to registered license holder of Classipress. Likewise, the plugin you have referred to is from a third party developer and not created by Appthemes.

    If you have a licensed copy of Classipress, you may login to access the members only area of this forum.
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

  3. #3
    rubencio's Avatar
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    For any issue related ClassiPress Mobile contact us at
    BTW, the plugin have been just updated to be compatible with the latest ClassiPress 3.1.8 version
    Best regards,

    Quote Originally Posted by cladax View Post
    Hi I purchased the Mobile Plugin:

    But I didn't receive the login details for the support forum, so I put here my questions:

    1. I would like to add the logo in the header instead of the site title text.

    2. I would like to delete the price tag in the mobile version (I already deleted it in the main theme, but the mobile version shows a kind of button or so.)

    3. In the footer there is the text "Powered by Wordpress + WPTouch". How can I delete that?

    4. Also, it seems that not every category is diplayed in the mobile theme. (Is is because my databank is still pretty empty? No I didn't exclude any category)

    5. I would like to replace the apple-touch-icon that currently is a "notes"-icon with my own. Am I right, when I just replace the "Default.png" in "images" with my own icon (32x32pixel)?

    I searched in the Editor for the solution, but I can't see where to change the code. I hope you can help me with my 5 questions.

    Thank you!

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