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Thread: Hi! Please helpe me!! i am from Thailand

  1. #1
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    liveinkrabi's Avatar
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    Hi! Please helpe me!! i am from Thailand

    Dear Sir,

    I want to buy Single Use License – $59 from your site, But i have no credit card. I phoned to my sister in UK to help me buy it by her credit card and she will be OK.

    Please let's me know below my question:

    1.Single Use License – $59 , It 's just paid once time? Not every Month or Year.

    2.If my sister buy it for me. She don't know anything about ClassiPress , and please tell me after she bought, what 's she get? and can sent it to me operate by mail ? ( she will get user name or password like that...)

    3. How long do i get the theme and system after my sister paid.

    4. I want to post ads by myself.And for contact, I need only customer email to me. Don't use Paypal. Can i do it?

    5. Thank you so much if you reply me soon!

    Kind Regards,

    Andaman Sea
    Liveinkrabi, Thailand
    ****I want to buy today********

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: Hi! Please helpe me!! i am from Thailand

    1. Yes, this is a one-off payment and there is no expiry date on the licence. Also, all future upgrades are free.

    2. The e-mail address used to purchase CP will be sent the link to download the theme files.

    3. I imagine it shouldn't take that long once payment is confirmed.

    4. Yes. You can prevent users registering and posting.

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