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Thread: HireBee - Pre sale question

  1. #1
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    Guest P3PeCZ's Avatar

    HireBee - Pre sale question

    Hello, we want start new project and now we search as is yours template HireBee (

    But we are before buy question:

    our project will be build on wordpress
    and we want on homepage have all freelancer offer (on homepage will be all, and exist listing for example list 1,2,3,..)
    but in top menu we want have categorie with options select subcategorie Wordpress, Joomla, Drupall, etc. and when user click on subcategorie for example Joomle, so show only freelancer offer for Joomla (and again with existing listing list 1,2,3,..).

    is template HireBee ready on have on homepage ALL freelancer offers. and when user click in top menu on subcategorie for example Joomla so shows only Joomla offers?

    because on demo page this isnt so we need know if template this can or not.

    Thanks for answer.

  2. #2
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Yes and ofcourse for freelancers existselect subcategory in which they work inserts
    for example when freelancer on our website add new offer so in adding he select that is for example Joomla offer

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Oh sorry now we see it. Of course that template can.
    So just a small thing works unlimited scrooling when user scroll down? or user must click on more?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    That's correct, categories are set up by you, so you can certainly create whatever categories and subcategories you wish. The number of posts which displays is determined by your settings in the WordPress admin dashboard, so it's not unlimited, there is pagination involved. Thanks.

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