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Thread: Hirebee Presale Query

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Hirebee Presale Query

    Hi there,

    Loving the look of the theme demo. Wondering what happens with regard to files shown in a particular job.

    Are these files, like the t-shirt pic, are these available to everyone looking or only the person chosen to do the job?

    I'm wondering whether this will suit something I'm thinking of building whereby the file(s) attached to a particular job is actually not available until the successful candidate (employee) is chosen (after payment!!)

    It's a bit of a digital download type of question but thinking the Hirebee theme could suit it well.

    Also, wondering if there is any way to filter the search results by location or other?

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    Thanks DJ

  2. #2
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Any information before I buy this theme?

    I'm interested in hearing if this theme will suit or whether it won't work how I require it. Looking to purchase asap...

    Kind regards DJ

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The image on the listing is visible to those looking at it. Just a thought based on what you describe, once a candidate is chosen, they're in communication with the employer so that's when files would change hands anyway. As per the Hirebee demo site, you can use the refine search fields in the sidebar (category, skills, location).

    More information regarding Hirebee can be found on this blog post. Thanks.

  4. #4
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thanks for the reply Pepsi, so if I'm understanding this correctly, you could place some text in the actual content of the job etc and then once someone is chosen, they're (the only) in discussion with that particular project/employer. So items posted wouldn't be available to anyone else?

    Also, is it possible to have an additional person added to the job, or does the job close off once a candidate is chosen?

    ie: if I had file 'b.txt' and only listed basic information in the description etc. Anyone can see the description and details but until a candidate is chosen, nobody will see b.txt? Or is it once a candidate is chose that I'd need to add 'b.txt' to a project tracking set???

    Sorry if I misunderstood!

    :) DJ

  5. #5
    pepsi's Avatar
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    What I meant was, that the information is not hidden depending on login status. But once a freelancer is selected for a job, ultimately the employer will be in direct communication with them and therefore will be able to send files directly as required. You select the status of the job. Thanks.

  6. #6
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thanks again for the reply. I'm wondering if it will work for my situation.

    Client wants a site created with the intention of basically selling downloadable content or an attached document/file.

    My theory was to use Hirebee to have this person who has the file perhaps promote the file they are selling (something they've written), and maybe they show the first paragraph or something in the actual post for the listing.

    Someone then searches for and locates this listing because it meets their requirements and they then make an offer to the seller, who can then share the actual document or other files to them in the secure environment that Hirebee seems to offer.

    It's a little rough my explanation but I hope you understand what I'm requiring. I figured this theme would allow this but I wanted to have it as upfront as possible with the buyer/seller and not require the seller to have to then (direct contact) the buyer to provide them files etc.

    Another query on top of this, would more people be able to purchase (or buy into) what the seller is selling. Say for instance I write a document and want to sell it. I put a range price on it and then people come and offer me $$ for it. I can then accept them and work with them in delivering the full file?

    Sorry if it doesn't make sense, my theory is a little all over the place and it's pretty late! :)

    Look forward to hearing from you again.

    Thanks DJ

  7. #7
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The theme isn't going to provide this functionality you describe out of the box in terms of allowing the release of files within the theme (i.e. direct contact would need to be made in order to send them), so ultimately if you are looking to achieve what you have outlined it would likely require some customization on your part. Our themes are not encrypted, so you are free to make modifications if you wish. In terms of multiple offers for the same listing, again, this is not how the theme is specifically designed, once you've accepted a proposal then it's assumed it would be for freelancer. Thanks.

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