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Thread: HireBee - Presales questions

  1. #1
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    HireBee - Presales questions

    My apologies if my question was asked in other threads, but I did try to look into a good bunch of them before posting...

    Can you disable freelancer user registration, but not employers? I plan on only inviting my own workers as freelancers.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Thanked 804 Times in 718 Posts
    There is only one registration related setting in the HireBee admin dashboard which relates to shared capabilities:

    With this option enabled, when a user registers as 'Employer' and applies to a project, his role will automatically change to 'Employer/Freelancer'. The same applies to a 'Freelancer' that posts a project. If you disable this option, employers will be limited to posting projects and freelancers limited to applying to projects.
    So nothing specifically to turn it off altogether. Thanks.

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