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Thread: Is the HireBee right choice? Please help me decide.

  1. #1
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    Is the HireBee right choice? Please help me decide.


    For some time now I follow several different apps and themes which are similar to what HireBee does.

    Although I'm close to decide in favor of HireBee, I've got serious doubt about you guys selling it for months now and stating the following "Successfully being used by thousands of customers in 25+ different languages all around the world." and you still not able to show us just one single live example in your showcase page.

    Apart from above,

    Can you please answer the following:

    1. Can we set our custom currency?
    2. Can we disable any payment method so that anyone if registered can submit and apply for jobs for free?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    To clarify, showcase sites are submitted to us by customers, we don't simply post up sites without permission or generally pursue people to use their sites, but hopefully we'll get something up soon as the showcase is due to be updated. AppThemes has been around for years, so the statement about our customers is true :)

    In answer to your questions:
    1. The theme settings allow you to select from the available currencies (supported by PayPal) in the currency dropdown menu, but using others would require either customization, or you can purchase other payment gateways from the AppThemes marketplace which may support your currency if it is not there by default.

    2. Yes you can allow free posting if you wish. Thanks.

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