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Thread: Hirebee submit project problem

  1. #1
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    Guest infotau's Avatar

    Hirebee submit project problem

    I get an issue when im in "preview" my submited job, nothing apear there ! i tried your online demo on google chrome, any suggessions please ?

  2. #2
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    Guest infotau's Avatar
    Also heres some good features to add :

    1/ the ability to send and recive private messages before and after the job has been awarded, its very helpfull to ask questions that buyers may forget to include on their project description and also to keep track of the work after awarding the job (it help the admin to see if the freelancer or the buyer trying to pay outside the website)
    2/ Invite freelancer : allow buyers to invite freelancers to apply for their jobs and the ability for admins to set the cost to apply for invited projects.
    3/ Replace the current header with slider one (revolution slider is the best plugin for that)
    4/ Allow freelancers to provide services (exactly like what taskerr theme do, that mean HireBee + Taskerr)
    5/ Allow freelancers to feature their services to be on top page.

    peopleperhour freelancer website is a great reference for the features i mentioned.

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Whilst our demo site is fully functional, you cannot save data to it, which is why you cannot complete the posting process, it's simply to give you an idea of how it works. There should have been a message indicating this when you entered the demo. Thanks for your feedback, we are happy to review feature suggestions in the AppThemes ideas exchange. Thanks.

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