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Thread: Hirebee and Taskrr

  1. #1
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    aj270303's Avatar
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    Hirebee and Taskrr

    What's the difference as the way i am looking at it they are used for the same thing...

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The basic overview of each probably gives the best basic description of the main differences between these themes:

    Taskerr connects people needing jobs done with others willing to do them. Those sellers offer their services at a set price and customers buy them. You profit on each transaction.
    HireBee is a freelance marketplace theme for WordPress. Employers post projects and freelancers start the bidding. You setup the pricing plans and take a cut of each project.
    So really it depends if you're looking at listing tasks/jobs for a set price, or if it's open to negotiation/bidding. Thanks.

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