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Thread: How would I go about getting coupons and making money from this stuff?

  1. #1
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    How would I go about getting coupons and making money from this stuff?

    I am very new to this whole coupon stuff and I wanted to know a few things:

    1.) How would I go about getting coupon codes? (i.e. what are some sources of companies I can get coupon codes from to install on theme)
    2.) Where do you put a tracking code in software so that you make money off of coupons? (could you show me an example of what the tracking code looks like)
    3.) I've seen coupons for godaddy and other retailers that are copy and paste is their a place to get the tracking code for those because I know those are hot seller coupons.
    4.) Any other sources of coupons that are highly valuable that I can use to earn cash would be helpful as well.

    I am still evaluating your software and need the questions above answered so that I can better understand how this works. You can email me at:

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    1. There are affiliate networks that provides coupon codes. You may just google it.
    2. Tracking codes from varies from one company to another.
    3-4. As with number 1, you may try searching for it through google as there are a lot affiliate networks that includes coupon codes. You may also join some internet marketing forums such as digital point or warrior forum for some info on affiliate networks that offers coupon codes.
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by jomarkosabel View Post
    1. There are affiliate networks that provides coupon codes. You may just google it.
    2. Tracking codes from varies from one company to another.
    3-4. As with number 1, you may try searching for it through google as there are a lot affiliate networks that includes coupon codes. You may also join some internet marketing forums such as digital point or warrior forum for some info on affiliate networks that offers coupon codes.
    Are their any recommended coupon affiliate companies you would recommend? The reason I ask is the internet is so vast it is hard to know who to choose as an option. If you could give me some recommendations for companies I would really appreciate it.

    So for any of the affiliate networks I would be able to post their code within your software?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    We don't have a list of recommended affiliate companies, however you may be able to find discussion of these in the Affiliate Marketing section of our forums.

    No, you wouldn't post their code specifically, but you would post affiliate links within the Clipper coupon listings, so when site visitors use the link to make their purchase, it then counts as an affiliate sale for you.

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