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Thread: I'm New with wordpress - is there a trial version?

  1. #1
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    Guest Silvia's Avatar

    I'm New with wordpress - is there a trial version?

    This will be my first time with wordpress and actually with php.

    I would like to be able to config a classipress trial version to see if I can handle it and if it fits what I'm looking for...

    I want to create US classifieds but with the capability to create categories by State and City... Here is one of my domains rigth now...

    Thanks in advance for your response...

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    No, there is no trial version available at this time. Since our software is not encrypted, we aren’t able to currently offer you a free trial. You can however use the live and admin demo which you can play with and even create your own user account.

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