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Thread: Import CSV/SQL files or setting up database to existing...

  1. #1
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    Import CSV/SQL files or setting up database to existing...


    Is it possible to integrate Jobroller to an existing SQL database? I have a current job bank website with over 400 job listings and candidate profiles (containing resumes) and would like to use Jobrollers theme as a front-end solution.

    Another method would be to import a CSV or SQL file... is there an option to import into Jobroller?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There is currently no built in import tool for JobRoller, so it would certainly require knowledge of mysql admin if you were looking to import listings in bulk via the database side. There is a WordPress import/export tool, however you may still need to make changes to the database in order to ensure everything is placed in the correct location (particularly as our themes use custom post types, and so if you're getting data from another WordPress site, the data will end up in "Posts" instead of "Jobs").

    Although this tutorial relates specifically to our themes which do have an importer built in (not JobRoller), some of this information may be useful. Thanks.

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