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Thread: Import/Export CSV Questions

  1. #1
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    Guest Chris123456's Avatar

    Import/Export CSV Questions

    1. Does this come with the import feature? or is this a separate plugin? Does this come with an export to CSV (not XML) feature?

    2. If I import a file with 500 listings once, then edit that file and add some data, when i reupload the csv file will it update or duplicate the entries?

    3. Can i export the listings as a CSV, then edit those, then re-upload the csv with import in order to bulk edit (this way if a customer makes an edit i can have that edit saved before i bulk edit my own changes)

    4. If there is an export feature (i know there is XML but can that be changed to CSV without losing data/structure) are there limits?

    thanks, really want to purchase this theme!

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. Yes the theme includes a built in .csv importing tool as seen on the Vantage admin demo. There is no exporter built into the theme, WordPress has its own export tool which is not in .csv format, however you may be able to find a plugin which offers this.

    2. If you ran the importer again then this would add the listings again, so they would be duplicate entries.

    3. & 4. As per answer .1, there is no specific .csv format export tool built into the theme. As long as the file you're importing is the .csv format, with the correct fields though, you should be able to use it.


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