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Thread: import options etc

  1. #1
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    import options etc


    first of all: Nice that I do not have to register to post here. Also nice that when I typed the title for the post some forum threads are shown, that might be related and could answer my question. However... not so nice, that you can only read the original posts in these threads but have to be registered to actually read the answers.

    Allright, my actual questions:

    I'd like to have voucher import as much automated as possible. While I was thinking of going the route xml feed -> own php script -> wordpress DB, I am not sure if that would be the best idea, as I am not too familiar with all the DB-crossreferencing that wordpress does. So I think feed -> script -> csv -> wordpress would be the safer option. As I do not want to import the csv each day manually I am wondering if this task could be automated, so that my clipper site just processes a csv file that I make available on the server ?

    2nd question: As I see there is no German translation for Clipper 1.4 yet I would be interested into this offer: www_appthemes_com/support/languages/ (had to kill the link as it seems the forum won't let unregistered users post them)
    Just need to clarify a few things:
    1. The 40% off are for one purchase only?
    2. Can I tell you the link to my site later when I actually have one?
    3. Let's assume I decide to do it and happily translate away for a few days. Shortly before I am finished, someone else mails his translation to you. In this case I wasted my time for no benefit?

    Thanks for answering :-)

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    At this point in time I'm not aware of anyone who has specifically set up an automated feed for Clipper in the way you describe, but ultimately there is no encryption which would prevent you from making modifications required for this to happen if you wished to do so. Outside of this, there is a plugin which exists specifically for Coupilia feeds as mentioned on this blog post, so that in some part may be useful.

    Yes there does not appear to be an existing German translation for Clipper at this time, so if you were to provide a translation file that is verified, we would be happy to offer the benefits as outlined on our languages page.

    1. The 40% discount applies to single theme purchases only (not the AppThemes Club package), and the coupon can only be used once.
    2. Yes, we can update the contributor link to include a URL later if you wish.
    3. If we have already made arrangements with you via email, we will honor this even if someone else sends us the same translation.


  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    At this point in time I'm not aware of anyone who has specifically set up an automated feed for Clipper in the way you describe, but ultimately there is no encryption which would prevent you from making modifications required for this to happen if you wished to do so. Outside of this, there is a [...]plugin[...] which exists specifically for Coupilia feeds as mentioned on [...]this blog post[...], so that in some part may be useful.
    That is weird, I could not imagine to import new vouchers manually each day. I'd rather spend a day or two to come up with some code to automate it.

    I checked out Coupilia but their choice of networks does not seem tailored for the German market. I plan to include three networks and they don't offer any of these. Besides, they charge a monthly fee for something that can be setup by one coding effort. I did that already for other projects, but these are not based on Wordpress. I am sure though that once I registered I will find a way to achive this with a little help from your forums :)

    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    3. If we have already made arrangements with you [...]via email[...], we will honor this even if someone else sends us the same translation.
    I contacted you.

    Thanks for the answer, now I just need to convince myself that a voucher site is still viable in post Panda times and I am set :)

    Oh and the forum is even complaining about too many URLs when I only quote your URL tags, deleting them now and trying again.

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    I'm sure there are others out there who would want an automated feed as well, and perhaps someone has done this already, but there's just no confirmation at least posted in the forums where I could confidently tell you it has been done already ;)

    Thanks, your email is received and has been responded to. Unfortunately we have had some issues with spam (as is expected in our no registration required part of the forum), so removing links from here has been a necessity for now.

  5. #5
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    I have to bump this thread again, as I stumbled upon one more question:
    I am wondering what the differences between standard and developer version are. I know, devs version comes with .psd files. However I have not found any info on what exactly is included. Could you provide some more detail and/or preview thumbnails?

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The only difference between the two license types is the .psd files as you have mentioned (Developer includes the .psd files and the Standard does not). There are multiple files for the various pages and colour schemes available. You will still need some knowledge of css in order to make use of these files. They're useful for web designers who may be looking to change the layout of the theme as they contain all the size/colour etc information in them, you can still however make modifications to the standard license product. You always have the option to upgrade the license from standard to developer if you later find you would like those files. Thanks.

  7. #7
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    Thanks for the answer. Changing the design is essential - the default is fine, but uniqueness is an issue - and css ist not a problem. However, this did not answer the core of my question, because

    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    You always have the option to upgrade the license from standard to developer if you later find you would like those files. could I know whether I like those files without having seen them ? :-) Don't you have any watermarked or low-resolution previews I could take a look at ?

  8. #8
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There are no previews available, but the files themselves are for each of the pages, with the layer and channel information of each one, separated into various areas of the page, e.g. navigation, logo, search, share button, content, footer..

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