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Thread: import.php coupon-import-template.csv autoload coupons

  1. #1
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    Guest fresh_fx59's Avatar

    import.php coupon-import-template.csv autoload coupons


    As I can see from older version of clipper the main file wich do the import is import.php Before buing I want to test if I could do coupon autoload via cron jobs or smth. Plugins don't suit for me, because they don't support my CPA partner.

    Am I right(about file)?
    Could you send import.php and coupon-import-template.csv(may be other neccesary files) to have an exaple or may be you have test enviroment?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    We unfortunately cannot send you these files, nor do we have a public test environment on which you could carry out this kind of test. We don't offer trial versions of our themes for this purpose. Thanks.

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