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Thread: Important quistions pls response

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Important quistions pls response

    I test the demo of Classipress and noticed these:
    1)the address of category and subcategory is something like this: ../ad-category/auto/boats
    2)the address of ads is something like this: ../ads/champions-bass-boat
    3)the add image does not allow adding multiple images at once
    4) how to change the order of display ads by category??
    5) the ads of subcategory is displayed on patern category
    The questions: It is possible that:
    1) the address of category and subcategory to be without the world "ad-category": ../auto/boats
    2) the address of ads to be without the world "ads" ... have the category and subcategory name something like this: ../auto/boats/champions-bass-boat
    3) Every ad allows adding 20 pictures at once (with 1 click selecting 20 pictures and upploar at once)
    4) I need to manualy change the order of ads if I want on any category
    5) I need to display the ads only in final subcategory. If I click the category must display sugcategory (not the ads on all sugcategory)
    I want to buy a license only if this is possible. I need these thing(1+2) because on my site have hundred of clone name based on category: eg. hotelstar from category1 is other(different) with hotelstar from category2. The 3) because it's hard to upload 20 photos separately .....etc
    Also I want to change template format (header, footer, left column, right column)
    Wait for a response

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1) In the ClassiPress admin settings, you can rename the default custom post type and taxonomy URLs as seen here, however you cannot remove it completely in here. This would require customization on your part.
    2) As above, this would also require actual customization as the theme makes use of custom post types for ads and ad related URLs.
    3) You can set the number of images which can be uploaded from within the ClassiPress admin, with the default maximum being 10, but these are still selected one by one.
    4) There is no option for this currently within the theme, however the main index page has tabs for "just listed", "most popular", and "random".
    5) Users can select the specific category or subcategory from the main category dropdown menu and it will then only display what they select.

    Ultimately much of what you have listed would involve customization as they are not default theme features. ClassiPress is not encrypted, so you are free to modify it as you wish. AppThemes does not offer customization services, however we do have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire who are experienced at working with our themes. Thanks.

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