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Thread: Inappropriate content Blocking

  1. #1
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    Junior Member danappel's Avatar
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    Inappropriate content Blocking

    I do not want to offer Personal ads with my site. Is there a way to block Personals (men seeking…, women seeking…, etc.) from ad submissions for a customer’s new ad set-up?

    Same question regarding inappropriate content, as well? Are there filters preventing inappropriate images or wording from an ad submission? (Kind-of just in case type scenario)

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There are no built in filters for this in the default theme. I'm not entirely sure how much of an issue this would be though if your site has a purpose in terms of the type of ads you offer, and clearly doesn't have the categories for these types of ads. And if your ads are free, you can of course choose to moderate all posts before they are published.

  3. #3
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    Junior Member danappel's Avatar
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    That's fine. I'm not sure it will be an issue either. I've never put together a site such as this, so I'm not sure what I'll run into. I've always tried to err on the side of caution, so maybe it's just my "twisted" thinking? Ha, ha : )

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