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Thread: Information for tax deduction

  1. #1
    Angel C.
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    Guest Angel C.'s Avatar

    Information for tax deduction

    Hi, I am interested in buying 3 of their applications, Jobroller, clasipress and vantage (when ready).

    My question is: in my country Mexico, so my purchases tax deductible with foreign companies need the tax ID, business name and address of the company tax which I am buying a product or service.

    You could provide that information?, an example would be:
    Tax ID 20-164133 ltd.
    1234 Northwest Freeway, Suite 123 Houston, TX 12345

    Provide a receipt or invoice of my purchase apart from providing me with paypal when making payment with my credit card through them?

    And finally I am interested in getting the 50% discount when purchasing a hosting plan with hostgator, following their instructions to get it.
    I understand that you provide me a coupon for this discount, this would be valid if I buy first jobroller and a month after the application of clasipress?, would have the same discount?

    I await your prompt response, Thanks!

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    When you purchase our themes, you can download a .pdf version of the receipt, this contains the AppThemes company address, but not a tax ID on it. We don't provide invoices manually..The receipt itself will be addressed to the name used to purchase the themes.

    The 50% hosting related discount coupon can only be used once, so it will only apply to the purchase you make with the coupon, not for future purchases.

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    When you purchase our themes, you can download a .pdf version of the receipt, this contains the AppThemes company address, but not a tax ID on it. We don't provide invoices manually..The receipt itself will be addressed to the name used to purchase the themes.

    The 50% hosting related discount coupon can only be used once, so it will only apply to the purchase you make with the coupon, not for future purchases.
    Thanks for answering my questions,

    All foreign companies, when we buy products or services we provide your tax ID in order to deduct tax purchases here in my country Mexico.

    Would there be any problem if you give me the tax ID of your company in case of purchase of jobroller?

    I await your response.

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