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Thread: Installing classipress on exiting site

  1. #1
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    Guest Manish's Avatar

    Installing classipress on exiting site

    I already have a website with more than 100 posts. What will happen if I install classipress theme.
    Will the post URLs be effected ? Is there a chance of my website getting effected in Google SERPs.

    What if I want to remove classipress theme later (with various ads posted) and use some other wordpress theme what will happen to the ads ?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    If you are installing ClassiPress on the existing WordPress site then it will of course take over the existing theme you are using. The main consideration here is that our themes make use of custom post types, and therefore when you simply replace a theme, all of the posts you have on your current site will not appear in "ads" of ClassiPress on their own. A little more about this, and how the URLs are structured are explained in this blog post. If your current site is not actually set up as a classifieds site, and the posts will remain as "posts" and appear in the blog section where the URLs will not be effected in the same way. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Manish's Avatar
    The current site is not a classified site. It has posts about various weddings etc. What I want is to convert it into a classified site where people related to weddings like wedding photographers, planners, caterers etc. can post their requirements or ads for their promotion. However, I still want to provide articles.
    Also, I need that the excerpt of latest posts/articles to be shown on the home page. How can that be done ?
    Also, I hope as per your answer above, my existing URL structure (permalinks) will not change for existing articles/posts. I have a permalink structure /postname/

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    If you're not converting your existing posts to ads then all the posts will simply appear in the blog section of the installation. If you look at the ClassiPress demo site, you will see a widget in the sidebar called "From the blog", this is how you would get a preview of the blog posts on your homepage. The URL's will be fine if they remain as blog posts as the recommended permalinks structure for our theme is /%postname%/ Thanks.

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