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Thread: Integrated solution with PayPal transaction logging

  1. #1
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    Guest Creative's Avatar

    Integrated solution with PayPal transaction logging

    ClassiPress Personal Edition vs ClassiPress Small Business Edition

    I am planing to buy this Theme this afternoon. But I have a Q:

    Costumers who want classifies to show on the website will be able to pay via paypal. Does the Personal edition lacks the paypal option? We starting small, I do not understand the paypal option in your checkout description page.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    All of the licence Editions include the ability to collect payments for ads placed via PayPal. The PayPal IPN feature is basically a message service that sends a notification when a transaction has been made.. you can read more about it here. The transaction logging feature allows you to view your transactions from within your WordPress admin dashboard.

    You always have the option to upgrade later, so if you purchase the Personal Edition licence to start with and change your mind later, you can upgrade via your AppThemes customers dashboard and pay only the difference between licences. Hope this information helps.

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