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Thread: Integration with existing wordpress site

  1. #1
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    Integration with existing wordpress site

    Hello ,

    I have few questions about integrating classipress wit my existing wordprss website.
    I have gone through some related threads : There are 2 ways to do either by creating subfolder or by creating subdomain.
    Which is better way to do? Since main website is wordpress website how to avoid htaccess conflict ?
    How to synchronize login between both wordpress(My current website has login).I want user to login to main website and if they navigate to classipress they should automatically
    login there and vice versa for logout.How to achieve this.Please answer me so that i can proceed and buy your product.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    If you're looking to have a single login across your existing theme and the one you install ClassiPress on, then you may wish to look at a WordPress multisite installation. This page will explain more about the subdomain/subdirectory options, and you can search the main WordPress codex for information on the shared user database. Thanks.

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