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Thread: Integration into Existing theme and Disabling of features

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Integration into Existing theme and Disabling of features

    I want to add a new page to my site to support job postings and management but I don't want to change the theme. If a visitor clicks the "Get a Job" button, are they redirected to your theme, or can jobroller be embedded into my current theme.

    Also, phase 1 I just want to post jobs myself before opening it up to recruiters to purchase postings. Can the "Submit a Post" button be disabled?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    JobRoller is a standalone theme, not a plugin, so if you use it on your existing site it will replace the current theme, however if you were to install in a subdirectory then you could leave the homepage intact:

    e.g. <== Your existing site <== JobRoller installation

    You can disable registration on the site, thus preventing others from posting jobs. Thanks.

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