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Thread: Jobroller and Buddypress profile integration

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Jobroller and Buddypress profile integration


    I've seen several mentions for this already, but just wanted to check if anyone has been able to do integrate Buddypress into a Jobroller installation successfully.

    I think this can be done relatively easily using the Buddypress theme pack plugin, but would the two systems be able to share the same profile accounts?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    From my understanding there is at least one customer who is apparently using these together, however it's important to note that AppThemes does not officially support third party plugins and customizations, so we do not guarantee that this will work together out of the box. It's not known how much, if any, tweaking was done for this customer to get it working.

    You can also see another pre-sales thread discussion on this here.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thanks for the reply Pepsi :)

    My client wants a job site with social networking features. Originally I was going to use Buddypress and build in job advertising and CV uploading functionality but when I saw your theme (which I think is excellent by the way) I thught a better option would be to use your theme as the base and then integrate Buddypress into that.

    From what I've read it seems that it's going to be possible, but the bit I can't guarantee is going to work, without buying a copy and trying it out, is the shared profile between your theme and Buddypress. If they work together as a single registration with both sets of options available from a single admin panel then it would be perfect for the job I'm quoting for. If it doesn't though, and site members have to register twice and have two sets of admin then my original plan for a Buddypress custom template would have been a better bet.

    I really like the functionality you've got though, so if anyone has tried to integrate the two with any success I'd love to hear from them and I can then buy a copy of the theme with confidence that it'll do the job I'm after.

  4. #4
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    I've had a look at the client's site that you've linked to and on the face of things it seems to have integrated the two, however when I tried registering it came up with an error.

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