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Thread: Jobroller Bugs

  1. #1
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    Guest sirlambert's Avatar

    Jobroller Bugs

    Hello I want to buy job roller but there are quite a few bugs on the demo. Please can you look into them for me and let me know if they can be resolved?

    I'm using the latest version of chrome on windows 7 PC.

    next button alignment

    When creating a new job on the demo I get this error - "Error: Unable to create entry."

    I also noticed this thread - but I can't view the responses because I'm not a customer.

    Are there any other bugs that you know about?
    Can I see the response to the forum post above before I make the puchases? I find it strange how you've locked this forum so I can't see what people who have purchased the theme have posted.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Hi Tom, I am unable to see the same issue with the next button you have mentioned, and am also using the same setup you have mentioned. Are you perhaps able to take a screenshot of what you see so that we can have a better look? You're welcome to email this to us here.

    The demo site is fully functional, however you cannot save data to it which is why you receive the "unable to create entry" error. There should have been a pop-up message on screen prior to using the demo site that did mention this. We are sorry if you did not see this message appear.

    The customer who posted the thread had all of the issues addressed by a member of the moderating team. Many of the "bugs" mentioned were simply a matter of the customer needing clarification from the team on how the function is supposed to work. There was some issues they are experiencing relating to emails, but this is not a widely reported problem and could be specific to the individuals setup. There are no major bugs with JobRoller which I am aware of from checking our internal bug reporting system.

    There is nothing strange about not being able to access the support forums fully unless you are a customer. This allows us to provide help for only those who have legitimately purchased our themes, as access to support is part of the benefit of being an AppThemes customer. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest sirlambert's Avatar
    Thanks for getting back to me - there are alignment issues on those pages. Look at the buttons.

    Shouldn't I at least be able to read other people's experienced even if I can't post my own.

    Its actually bad for you guys because I can see the issue that someone has posted, but not all the helpful responses that you have got back to him on. Not being able to see them makes users like me suspicious and we can't see the solutions.
    Do you agree?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    As mentioned, I'm using the same setup you have mentioned (Windows 7, Chrome), and I cannot see any misalignment issues which is why I asked if you were possibly able to provide a screenshot (this is up to you if you wish to do so).

    If we allowed people to view all responses, then this means that those who may have obtained our themes illegally or without purchasing through AppThemes will also be able to essentially get support. Based on the fact that I have been working for AppThemes for quite some time, including when our forums were open to everyone, and it was clear that people who didn't purchase our themes were benefiting from our community and support which was unfair to those who paid for their products. We are not the only ones who provide a "members only" kind of online service, and ultimately we made the decision to set things up this way for the benefit of our own customers. Thanks.

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