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Thread: JobRoller Questions

  1. #1
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    JobRoller Questions

    Hi, I am looking seriously at purchasing Job Roller soon. I've checked out the Demo and like it - I wonder if you could refer me to two or three customer sites that use it? I plan to use it for medical job listings in a specific geographic area..

    I also have a few more questions:
    1. Does the ability to charge and receive payments for job postings come with a purchase of the Single Theme Developer package or would I have to pay extra for a plugin?

    2. Same question only for a person to be able to create a resume/profile on the site?

    3. Is there a way for a user/job seeker to be able to post a profile video on their resume (embed)? I see you can link to a website or one but wonder if it can be embedded.

    4. Does the 25% off coupon (expiring Nov, 7th) include the theme itself or just some of the add-on plugins to the theme?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You can find existing customer sites using JobRoller (and other themes) in the AppThemes customer showcase.

    1. Regardless of the licence type (standard of developer), the theme includes PayPal integration to allow you to charge for job posting/resume viewing.

    2. As above :)

    3. You could potentially use the embedded code in the main description field, but there is no specific option to upload videos.

    4. The current 25% promotion applies only the Marketplace purchases (not themes). Thanks.

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