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Thread: Jobroller Subscription Updates and Support Only

  1. #1
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    Jobroller Subscription Updates and Support Only

    Hi I gotgiven your jobroller theme by a friend of ine which transfered his jobroller to anotherprovider now after needing to go bigger after generating a fai bit of money with the help of jobroller but its a old version of jobroller as i see you are bringing out v7 which we would like to purchase but as we hae the theme can we sig up wit you for 12 months but just forsupport and updates we do not he a account at present thoughhow much for 12 month subscription for updates and support ?

    My friends subscription ended and would like to start a fresh with you but we have the theme

    I can purchase this right away from you and await the release of jobroller v1.7 which we would really like to get ?

    Look forward to hearing from you.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In this situation you would actually need to make the theme purchase from us directly (which would include 12 months of support and updates), as you're essentially using an unlicensed version of our theme. You can read more about theme pricing here on our pricing page. Thanks.

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