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Thread: Jobroller Theme - New Resume Limitation

  1. #1
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    Guest Rabia's Avatar

    Jobroller Theme - New Resume Limitation


    I want to buy jobroller theme. But I see few limitations on it. I have tested it on few sites already using it.
    Adding new Resume functionality worked on none of it. (I logged in as Job Seeker, went to Dashboard -> Resume -> Add Resume )
    Can you please tell me why is that bug and if I buy this theme, will that be fixed??

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There are no known issues with posting resume's so it's not clear why it's not working on the site you are looking at. We do not have trial versions of our themes, so if you're experiencing issues with a copy of one of our themes which was not actually purchased from us, we cannot speak for its functionality. We can confirm however that a legitimate copy of our JobRoller theme does not have this bug you describe. Thanks.

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