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Thread: Jobseeker CV submit?

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Jobseeker CV submit?


    Essentially I want to use JobRoller to run alongside a news site to primarily collect CVs of people within a particular niche, with them applying to an advertised job as secondary concern. Am I able to do this with JobRoller yet? I've noticed there has been talk about it being included in upgrades, is this the case yet? If not, when could I expect it? Would it also be possible to turn off the email confirmation email (to maximise the amount of signup->CV submit conversions)?

    Also, am I able to run the blog as the front page with links to the job section/CV submit on the right?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There are more features coming in JobRoller v1.4, but the official list of what the specifics are has not been released yet.

    You can of course make customizations to the theme if you wish, so if you have the coding knowledge to do so, then yes.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    OK, so is the v1.4 likely to come out by the end of May? Me buying JobRoller is dependent on these features really.

    I wasn't talking necessarily about customisations to the theme, more the ordering of the page (so Blog | JobRoller is the main page effectively). Is this possible without masses of coding knowledge?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The dates are estimates, so to the best of our knowledge this is when we hope to have them released. We recommend you do not plan projects around the dates though, as unforseen circumstances can occur which may push the date back.

    Yes you can set another page as the static frontpage from within the wp-admin, although I believe there may be some adjustments necessary for particular functions/links to work properly if you do this..

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