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Thread: Just a few questions before deciding to buy..

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Just a few questions before deciding to buy..

    1) Does classipress allow multi roles registration, so during registration, maybe there will be a small radio button allowing the user to choose as for example teacher or student.. Do I need to modify the current program?

    2) Is there a current review plugin that allows user to tick a review like how many stars this person deserves....

    3) My main website will mainly consists of two users - Looking for and Offer (For instance, student looking for teacher, teacher offering a piano class), so which template that you will recommend - Standard classipress or jobroller...

    4) Unique user id - Is it by number or we can always modify like for instance

    Thanks for your help


  2. #2
    dimitris's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
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    Hi Mel

    1. With JobRoller there are two roles an employer and a job seeker.
    2. JobRoller does not offer by default a rating system.
    3. JobRoller
    4. if you mean the permalinks you can change them and have a URL like

    let me know if you need more help.

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