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Thread: Last few questions before purchase..

  1. #1
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    Guest Coke's Avatar

    Last few questions before purchase..

    1. In the demo, when viewing the coupons on the front-end, I came across only 2 different types, Code and Promo, listed as examples. Can you please explain to me how the Promo differs from Code in functionality, if any, between the two?

    2. In addition to #1, in regards to the "Code" and "Promo" wording shown on the demo site, where are those 2 titles (Code and Promo) coming from in the admin section? I'd like to add "Deal" to that list as well. Is this possible? Because when I look at Coupon Types, I don't see where those 2 exact items are coming from, with that exact spelling, to know where that is setup. Maybe I'm blind?

    3. Because the demo is just that, a demo, after I setup the affiliate links in the back-end, then after a contributor or myself adds a new coupon to be shown on the front-end, when a visitor clicks on the links to be taken to the site for that coupon, are they being taken to the link I set for my affiliate code or are they being taken to the link entered for that specific coupon entered?

    4. How soon will a responsive theme be released, and will there be a lot of effort to upgrade, if any? I'll be setting up a child theme if I purchase.

    Okay, that should be it for now.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1. You can set the available coupon types from he Clipper admin dashboard, but essentially you're likely only to have a few types that are relevant to this kind of site, and these would be "Coupon Code" - which would be a code you can use for online purchases at checkout, "Printable Coupon" - Which a customer would physically print out and take to a store, or "Promotion" - which is more or less just a promotion or advertisement of a sale.

    2. As per the link above, this takes you to the Coupons > Coupon Types section of the Clipper admin which is where you can create other types by which customers can select from.

    3. The responsive update to Clipper is not likely to be in the next upcoming major release as there are already some big features planned (as per the theme release status update page), so the timeline for that will likely come after the next release is made. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Coke's Avatar

    You still didn't answer a few parts...

    1. Where is the wording "Code" and "Promo" originating in the back-end that a person sees on the front-end? I understand your logic that this type of site is....but I'm also not normal, don't like the same, and I just want to see if I can change it up a bit. ;) Plus, all I'm looking to do is see if I can add the word "Deal" where I saw Code and Promo listed, that's all.

    2. When it comes to a site visitor clicking a coupon link and being taken to the affiliate site, are they going to the link I setup for my "affiliate link" or they going to the link setup for the coupon? There is a difference.

    Lastly, in response to the link about Clipper updates, seeing how it says the next release is make Clipper compatible with WP 3.5, does this mean today's Clipper version won't work on a WP 3.5 install, or does that just mean there are just a few hiccups along with it?

    Pepsi, thanks again for your responses. I'm sure it gets tiresome having to constantly answer these questions over and over again. But it's appreciated on this end. :)

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. If you are referring to the text you see in the dropdown box of the "Coupon Type" field, then that is set from the admin dashboard link I posted above. If you meant elsewhere, please feel free to clarify and I'll let you know if that's an actual setting or requires code changes. Nothing wrong with wanting things a little different from the "normal" :)

    2. Yes, if you have entered in an affiliate link in the destination URL then they will be sent via that link to the relevant site.

    3. There haven't been any major issues reported by those using Clipper who have upgraded to WP 3.5, so the theme still works, but may potentially have some minor issues which need to be addressed in the next update. This is due out this month, so is not far away.

    No problem, that's what I'm here for :) Thanks.

  5. #5
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    Guest Coke's Avatar

    We're almost there, pepsi! (smile)

    Regarding question #1: pepsi, if you go the home page of the demo you'll see all the most recent coupons listed there have the word "Code:" right above the title for that coupon, for example. Now pull up the coupon listing "Free Gift with $200 Purchase" (you can easily find it by sliding the featured coupons on top on the page to find it) and you will see it has "Promo:" right above the coupon title. What I am trying to figure out is where the Code and Promo are coming from since I don't see those exact wordings under coupon types. That's where I'd like to add "Deals:" to.

    Regarding question #2: So just for clarification, it doesn't matter what link is attached to a coupon submitted by a user or anyone else since a listed coupon will always go to the affiliate link that is set on the back-end, correct?

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Still smiling ;)

    Ok thanks, I understand what you mean now. The actual "Code" and "Promo" text is not configurable from the Clipper admin as it is hard coded in, however you could technically make modifications to the default theme file in order to change these, and add others. There is no encryption which would prevent you from making this change if you wanted to. If you're a coder, this should be a piece of cake!

    If a coupon is submitted by someone on the site, you can ultimately control the affiliate link information from the admin dashboard for that coupon.


  7. #7
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    Almost there, pepsi, I promise! (keep smiling a bit longer)

    Okay, I'm fine on the code and promo question, I'll get to it when I get to it. But it does sound doable for what I'd like to do - that's cool!

    But as for the affiliate link question, you still didn't answer the question I had, and that was whether if someone clicks a link on the front-end, will they be always be sent to the same destination, no matter what was used in the "Destination URL" using the "Share a Coupon" form on the front-end (or entered on back-end, for that matter), for a specific store??

    Let me explain...

    If you look at the "Share a Coupon" form on the front-end, there is a "Destination URL" listed there for a user to fill out, correct? So what does that url do if a user is always sent to the affiliate link set in the back-end and not the link for that specific coupon? And does that also mean a user will constantly have to search out for an item, if the coupon was listed for a "specific product," not just a blanket discount for the store site, since they are being sent to the same destination affiliate link used in the back-end? Make sense? If I'm wrong, this is what I want to hear from the girl down under! ;)

    And if that is the case, is there any way to convince the AppTheme programmers to use both the affiliate and coupon links, where the affiliate cookie gets submitted first, then the coupon link redirects the user to the link that was used for that specific coupon?

    pepsi, sorry again for all the questions, I just hope this may help others out as well and will save whomever the lucky one is from the wreath of questions they'll possibly be getting from me in the near future. :)

  8. #8
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The questions are no problem ;) The destination URL used in the listing is the one that site visitors are directed to when they click on the link, sorry I'm not sure what you mean by "what does the URL do?".. Ultimately whatever link is used, is based on what you/the coupon-lister has set, so presumably you'd be using the affiliate code relevant to the coupon (whether it's a store or specific product). Thanks.

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