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Thread: LDAP question

  1. #1
    Forum Member ddeulus's Avatar
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    LDAP question

    I work for Boise State University Student Media, and we are interested in ClassiPress. I do have a question. Our school uses LDAP for our students to access different resources. Is there anyway to add LDAP to this ClassiPress and make it required to view and post classifieds?
    Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Shannon's Avatar
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    You could potentially try an LDAP plugin for WordPress. There are several...

    We have not heard of anyone using LDAP with ClassiPress and we couldn't guarantee that it would work well with any LDAP plugin.

    The alternative would be a custom implementation. But that may require a bit of work.

    Curiously, how would you be using ClassiPress? In the context of a university environment, it seems like there might be many interesting uses.

    By the way, we also have a long-time customer that has been very active in our forums that is from Boise. Perhaps I could see if he would be available to help you achieve this with CP.

    There could be some interesting opportunities here. Let us know what you think.


  3. #3
    Forum Member ddeulus's Avatar
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    Well then let me ask you, Does Classipress have any sort of registration for posters or way of locking out anyone from posting unless they register? Could I make it so that they require a certain type of email address such as our accounts?

  4. #4
    Forum Member ddeulus's Avatar
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    So, another question.. are users basically signed into a wordpress account on your website and then Classipress provides what is essentially a front dashboard where they can tweak their ads and profile and such? (This is the impression im receiving from what little information I could find on your website.

  5. #5
    Shannon's Avatar
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    Does Classipress have any sort of registration for posters or way of locking out anyone from posting unless they register?

    Yes, this is the default setting for ClassiPress. Users must register in order to post ads. There are a couple of additional settings that you could edit to affect this further.

    Please see the following screenshot:

    Leaving "Anyone can register" checked for the membership setting means that people can register and start posting ads on your site without getting your approval. Unchecking this setting means that new users will need to get your approval before they can post and ad.

    If you wanted to keep the whole site private - not viewable by the public - you could use a plugin. There are several privacy plugins. We use Network Privacy. You can read more about that plugin here:

    Classipress provides what is essentially a front dashboard where they can tweak their ads and profile and such?

    Yes, ClassiPress provides a dashboard for users. You can see that on our demo here:

    The link to the dashboard is in the upper right hand corner on ClassiPress - "My Dashboard"

  6. #6
    Forum Member ddeulus's Avatar
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    OK great, another question I have is am I able to charge one user and not another? Maybe have two separate types of users? Basically what we would like to do is have this service be free to our students but charge for any postings from non-students.

  7. #7
    Shannon's Avatar
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    That might be a little more tricky. There is nothing within ClassiPress that will allow you charge one price ($0) for one type of user and another price (>$0) for other users. Without customization, the only way around this would be allowing some sort of access to the WordPress admin for students - which would also be tricky from a management perspective. Otherwise, you would need to customize the theme.

  8. #8
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Shannon View Post
    That might be a little more tricky. There is nothing within ClassiPress that will allow you charge one price ($0) for one type of user and another price (>$0) for other users. Without customization, the only way around this would be allowing some sort of access to the WordPress admin for students - which would also be tricky from a management perspective. Otherwise, you would need to customize the theme.
    What about if I made a standard price for all users and then gave students some sort of promo code that would discount them 100%. Does Classipress have some sort of system that I can generate a coupon code? I'm not sure what sort of payment systems (paypal, google checkout, ect..) Classipress has integrated, but do any of them have that ability?

  9. #9
    Forum Member ddeulus's Avatar
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    That was me that posted as an unregistered, just for your records. Had not realized i was logged out.

  10. #10
    Forum Member ddeulus's Avatar
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    @Shannon I'd like to talk to you some more about a few things. Is there anyway you can email me? Is there anyway I can private message you my email address. Thanks.

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