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Thread: Membership Database Reporting/Export Feature?

  1. #1
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    Rookie uzzicreative's Avatar
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    Membership Database Reporting/Export Feature?

    Can you please tell me if the Admin WP Dashboard has any reporting view for Registered Members, and whether I can export Member Lists (both Employers & Job Seekers) as CSV?

    Also, would other Membership plugins (like WishList Member | Membership Site Software) be compatible with or conflict with JobRoller?


  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    No admin option for the users export yet but might be possible through the use of a plugin like this .

    I have yet to check if some users have utilized membership plugins.
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  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    MySQL Users

    Are the two user types for JobRoller, the Job Seekers and Employers, identified uniquely (separate columns or tables) in MySQL so that if such a plugin were to export, I could separate the lists into two distinct lists?

    I tried the admin demo for Job Roller, but you have the plugins pane disabled for obvious reasons. Is there a way you can provide a demo for that plugin?

  4. #4
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    MySQL Users and Profiles

    Also, as a followup to my last question,

    Is there a way to force Job Seekers to register before applying for a job?

    from the JobRoller Details Page:
    Apply for Job Form
    Each job listing includes a built-in “Apply for this Job” form so applicants can instantly upload their cover letter & resume. Their application gets routed directly to the job poster via email.
    That is what I wish to force users to register before using.

    Also, are the registered users' profile information stored uniquely in MySQL so that I can harvest that information, too?

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