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Thread: Membership subscription with limits on features

  1. #1
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    Guest kidino's Avatar

    Membership subscription with limits on features

    I want to be able to build a classified ad site where users can choose and subscribe to a package. And users are limited by the number of images they can include in their ad post. Is this supported by Classipress out of the box. If not, what option do I have to make this happen?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    ClassiPress does have a default membership package feature which you can see the settings for here on the ClassiPress admin demo, however you cannot set/limit number of images as described. This would require customization on your part. Our themes are not encrypted, so you are free to make modifications if you wish, and whilst we don't offer customization services, we do have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire. Thanks.

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