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Thread: Migrating job seekers from another job board

  1. #1
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    Amateur hamza's Avatar
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    Migrating job seekers from another job board


    We're looking into migrating all our job boards to JobRoller and I would like to know what issues we will face in the migration and how much custom development we will have to do to fit our data. My main concern is with the candidates database - we have nearly 40,000 registered jobseekers across our sites.

    1. Does the theme include a migration tool or would we need to build our own?

    2. Does the candidate database support multiple job categories for each candidate?

    3. Does the candidate database have postal address data?

    4. What is the username used by candidates to log in to their account? Email address or username?

    5. Where do we store the candidate's resumes?


  2. #2
    dimitris's Avatar
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    1.there is no import tool at the moment.
    2. Do you mean if JobRoller allows candidates to submit their resumes in multiple categories? Candidates can choose only one category. But they can upload many resumes.
    3. Do you mean if JobRoller allows candidates to input their postal address? There is no such field.
    4. Username.
    5. Could you explain more please?

  3. #3
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    Amateur hamza's Avatar
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    Thanks for your response. I'll try to elaborate (I have some Wordpress, PHP, etc experience to let me make some changes to the theme to fit my needs)

    1. Would writing an import tool be as simple adding the data to the WP database?
    2. Not really submitting resumes into different categories, more like choosing their specialisms. So they can indicate that they work in a few categories to make it easier for employers to find them by job category. If this doesn't exist, could I create a new table for candidate-->categories look-up and write some WP plug-ins/widgets to use that?
    3a. Does it at least record their town, state or country?
    3b. If not, could I build that functionality?
    4. Do you see any problems in using email address as username?
    5a. Where are candidate's resumes stored? On the server filesystem or as blobs in the database?
    5b. Are both candidate profiles and resumes indexed by the employer search tool?

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