more questions...
1) Do you know if many people host this theme with GoDaddy. I was looking at their hosting.
2) You Say, "No your users cannot list ads in more than one category (although you can achieve this by manually editing the ad in the
wp-admin end)". This means I can easily update listings on the admin end to make a listing be included in more than one category. Is this something that might be integrated in the future?
3) Will this theme work with Buddy Press? I would like to have a business directory and community.
4) You say it doesn't work with zipcode search, can it list all states or cities that are listed (auto makes a list based on the data in database) and a user can select from there for a more detailed search? Is this something that might be implemented in the future or not really. This is something I could really use right away.
5) Can you have free listings and pd listings (and featured), where free listings can only display certain fields (ex. business name and phone), and then pd listings can show all of the fields (ex. business name, phone, url, photos, etc)?
6) I am thinking about autopopulating some data, and having the people who own the business then register on the site with the package they want to purchase and then update their listing from there. Is this possible for them to take ownership of a listing like that and "upgrade" it and become the owner? Is it simple on the admin side to transfer the owner of a listing to a different person?
7) How is installing? Does it take much to install the theme? I know it will take a bit to set up all of the features / admin stuff but is it very hard to install the theme and get it going?