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Thread: More Vantage Questions

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    More Vantage Questions

    Are there options to put google adsense ads in places other than the right sidebar? I'm going to be using this as a regional site, so I won't really need the "Near" section of the search - is it possible to remove that, or just search near a particular town, 10 miles radius or something? Also - some of the listings might have a video. Is there a way to add this intuitively - such as embedding it in the overview, or do I just need to put a link in the overview? This template is great - hope that it suits my needs.


  2. #2
    dimitris's Avatar
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    You can also place an ad in the header.
    It's possible to remove the sidebar but it will need modification of the code as there is no option to disable it from the back end.
    At the moment there is way to insert html code in the listings but possibly in the next version you will, since this is popular request, no officially ETA though.

    Let me know if you need more information about the theme.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    OK. Thank you for the reply. I guess "near" doesn't have to necessarily have to be city, country - but just city only, right? I would LOVE to be able to feature a video for a business within this template and this is a very important feature for me, so I will wait to see if it gets implemented in the next update.

    Thanks again!

  4. #4
    dimitris's Avatar
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    I was wrong when i told you that there is no way to insert a video.You can in the business description textarea/field.This is the only field that accepts html.

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