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Thread: Multi site support

  1. #1
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    Guest lawjobs's Avatar

    Multi site support

    Hello: I currently run several job sites that use a single database with separate front ends and are integrated: see and and as examples. Is there a way through your software to do something similar where I can run I think if I read it right, child sites with a multi site app add on? I need unlimited sites so I can continue to build out micro-niches.

    Also, does the site allow Indeed feeds?

    Finally, is there a demo to see payment admin?

    Thanks in advance -


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    What you describe would certainly require some additional customization of the actual WordPress setup as there is no specific function contained within the theme that would allow this.

    Here are a couple of WordPress articles which may help when looking at how this can be achieved:

    We do have customers who have set up our themes on a Multisite network, but I cannot recall any specific examples of someone doing exactly what you describe, but technically it could be possible, it would be more than a standard installation though.

    Yes, JobRoller has Indeed integration built into it, so you can dynamically display jobs from Indeed on your site. You can view the JobRoller admin dashboard here.


  3. #3
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    Guest lawjobs's Avatar

    Applicant Tracking

    When an applicant applies online, does the system record the # of applies and can you modify the way they apply online (i.e. by email address mailto, by specific url opening to a new page or via the provided form?



  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Hi Jason, no there is no record of the applications made in terms of stats, however you do have the option to bcc admin in on the applications themselves which would effectively allow you to keep track of what is going through.

    There are no additional options in JobRoller for job applications, however there is a plugin available in the AppThemes marketplace called FXtender Pro which allows additional functionality related to job applications. You may like to view the details of the plugin to see if this offers what you're looking for. Thanks.

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