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Thread: Multiple sites - which package?

  1. #1
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    Multiple sites - which package?


    I intend to use Classipress as as stand alone websites. I did not understand what this meant, though, when referring to the last package (Ultimate Edition): "t’s an ideal package for businesses of any size who want to run ClassiPress on WPMU as sub-blogs for their customers." Sorry but I have no idea of what this "MU" means and how this diffears from the Professional Edition.

    Also, my idea is to breakdown the categories as States (provinces) and the person would make his search on his state only. Is that Possible?

    I think this is not possible from what i have seen so far and this is why I am asking about the packages, because what I would do is get one of the top packages and make a homepage where the person will choose the state and each state would be a new classipress site (subdomais).

    Please clarify how I should go about this.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple sites - which package?

    WordPress MU, or multi-user, is designed to run thousands of blogs with a single install.

    There are some existing members of the ClassiPress community who have successfully set up their sites to function in the way you are suggesting (although these were set up using previous versions of CP).

    This one is a very good example of what I think you're referring to anyway:

    Another thread which may provide more useful information with regards to a MU setup:

    It is my understanding that the features of the Ultimate licence will make things a lot easier for those who use a MU setup, but without having used it myself I think David would be best explain how this licence works. I will try and get more clarification for you. :)

  3. #3
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    Re: Multiple sites - which package?

    Thanks for the quick reply and for sharing the links. I Understand much better now.

    I don't think I will set up one database though... but if using MU will speed up the process of installation, then I guess that will be it.

    Their search engine is a custom set up, right?

    Now, do I really need to set things this way? Isn't there many subcategories in the default single install? Couldn't I Just make each state a category and inside the state make other categories such as "housing", "cars", etc?

    Thanks once again.

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