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Thread: multisite Vantage and Classipress - several questions

  1. #1
    Canuck with an idea...
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    multisite Vantage and Classipress - several questions

    So, some questions...

    I'm going to have a main site/root domain, say '' and want to have Vantage or more likely Classipress on there, and Vantage on subdomains. I know it might take some editing, but is the stuff below doable?

    1. Multisite Search - I gather I can use subdomains, but can I search across them from the main domain? ie: will have either Vantage or Classipress, with the listings there being 'categories' such as 'Cars', linking to Vantage install at Also will have a 'category' of 'Classifieds' at In the Search box, I'd like to be able to search for the term 'corvette' and get results across all subdomains except 'classifieds'. Also, if I go to and I search for 'corvette', I want results again from all subdomains except 'classifieds'.

    2. Each subdomain will have categories of say, Vancouver, Seattle, LA, etc. (kind of backwards from what I see a lot of, ie: I also would like to be able to, from the main to be able to search the word 'Vancouver' and bring up all listings from every subdomain category of 'Vancouver'.

    3. I'm assuming the following is available (from what I've read) but please confirm: I don't want a 'scrape' function to grab listings from the web, I want to be able to manually add listings, as well as have people suggest listings, businesses claim listings, a 'report post' function for the classifieds, and a language filter for profanity, prohibited business or classified listings, etc.

    4. Is there any refund policy if not happy with the product(s) or it can't do what I need? Does AppThemes stand behind marketplace products or is it strictly a 'marketplace' for independants? (may sound like a dumb question, but I like clarity)

    5. Are AppThemes partners vetted? Are there reviews of partners on the AppThemes site?

    Lots of questions, some obvious, some not, so thanks for taking the time to answer me. Greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In response to your questions:

    1. & 2. Technically this kind of modification to the search should be possible, but would require additional coding as it's not set up to search all installations on the multisite network by default. I see from a quick Google search there are related plugins for this purpose such as this, however AppThemes doesn't officially support third party plugins, so we cannot guarantee this would definitely work out of the box (and perhaps there is a better solution by way of coding).

    3. Yes, listings for Vantage and ClassiPress can be added manually, and businesses can claim listings in Vantage. The other functions you mention are not part of the themes by default and would require modification in order to implement them.

    4. & 5. Due to the digital nature of our products we do not offer refunds. You can read more about this on our Terms of Service and FAQ pages. The developers who offer their products in the AppThemes marketplace, as well as the Certified partners are pre-screened by us prior to being part of either page. We stand behind them in terms of trusting the quality of their work based on feedback from the community, however we are not involved in the projects they are working on with those who hire them, or the support they provide for their own products. Each marketplace developer has their own section of the forums in which they can provide support for their products.

    We hope this information helps. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Canuck with an idea...
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    Thanks pepsi,

    I'll be looking into how deep the involvement would be to do the mods I want.

    Take care. :)

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    No problem, just let us know if you have any more questions :)

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