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Thread: I need help with changing the background image and logo header.

  1. #1
    Wagner Biltoveni
    Thread Starter
    Guest Wagner Biltoveni's Avatar

    I need help with changing the background image and logo header.


    I am interested in purchasing the theme "ClassiPress" and I've been through all of the exhibits, including
    accessed the "Domain", I saw that everything is very simple paraadptar to my business and myself fully to meet
    what I need, but could not find how to change the background image to include the header
    image of my company.
    How to change the picture? Is it easy? I need to know this detail in order to complete my purchase.

    Looking forward to ...
    Thank you!

    Wagner Biltoveni
    Sao Paulo, Brazil

  2. #2
    dimitris's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Thanked 1,873 Times in 1,770 Posts
    Hi you can have a look at the backend of ClassiPress here If you want to change the logo you go to "settings->general"

  3. #3
    Wagner Biltoveni
    Thread Starter
    Guest Wagner Biltoveni's Avatar

    I need help with changing the background image and logo header

    Dimitris OK!

    Now it's better! Very good! I can get the theme, because I have no doubt.
    Thank you!

  4. #4
    dimitris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Thanked 1,873 Times in 1,770 Posts
    I am glad you found what you were looking for.

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