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Thread: No Link to Hostgator

  1. #1
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    No Link to Hostgator

    I have been searching, but can't seem to find the actual link to place an order with HostGator to take advantage of your offer. I see the link to BlueHost, but not the one to HostGator. Below is the link to your page where there is a link to BlueHost but none for Hostgator.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    If you're using any ad blocking add-ons in your browser this may prevent you from seeing the links. Please disable them or try another browser and you should be able to see them all properly, or let us know if you're still having any issues. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    No Link to Hostgator

    On the page I reference above, the last line on the page, and the section which references Hostgator, is this line below:

    >>>> Sign up with for only $6.95/month (plus 25% off if use code: APPTHEMES25OFF). <<<<

    so you will notice that the word "Hostgator" is not where it should be, i.e. after the "Sign up with HOSTGATOR NAME SHOULD APPEAR HERE for only ..."

    Also, since I see the link to Bluehost, then the problem can't be on my end.


  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes, I understand what you mean and as mentioned, the reason this may fail to appear in some instances is because of browser ad-block add-ons (regardless of the fact you can see the BlueHost links). You simply need to disable the add-on or use another browser and you'll be able to see the HostGator links on the page. Thanks.

  5. #5
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    When I click on the link on your page, I am brought to this page --->

    BUT there does not seem to be any plan for $6.95, so which plan am I supposed to sign up for to get the $6.95 hosting before the 25% off?

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There's no specific plan you have to sign up with, you just need to use the coupon code mentioned on the hosting page to receive the discount. Since you've been clicking between sites we'd recommend you clear your browser cookies and ensure you use the link from the main hosting page again if you sign up, to ensure the signup shows it's from AppThemes. Thanks.

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