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Thread: not a pre-sale question but a feature request for Taskerr

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    not a pre-sale question but a feature request for Taskerr

    It would be great if Taskerr had the ability for 'employers' to post their task, e.g. For someone to be able to post for someone to help them cut grass.
    At present Taskerr only allows service providers to post their services.

    On homepage allow visitors to browse / search for: service providers and tasks. Also for the ability to narrow down both searches to location (Country, State/Province, City, and neighbourhood identified)

    Input fields for task posting will be something like the below:

    Description of task: I need someone to mow my lawn.
    Enter keywords for job: cut, grass, mow, lawn
    Location Country: (pulldown menu)
    Location State / Province: (pull down menu of state/provinces will avail. base on country chosen above)
    Location City: (pulldown menu or text entry box)
    Neighborhood: (text entry box)
    I am willing to pay: (pull-down menu)

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    As per my response in your other thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    We appreciate your feedback, and we do have a specific section of our site set up for customers to submit feature suggestions here in the AppThemes Ideas exchange. We don't guarantee that all ideas will definitely be implemented, however voting and feedback allows our team to get an idea of what the community is looking for. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    I am not a license holder and therefore can't register to post to the 'Ideas' area for voiting. Hopefully, a license member will suggest my feature request in the "Ideas" section.

  4. #4
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Location based filtering is really needed

    I was just about to buy your great products as I am really interested in Taskerr, but yea I dont have much money or time to spend on custom development. This is a major put off really. First thing people do is to find others around them who can do the job. Also freelancers or the people willing to do the jobs should have the ability to restrict their working areas if they wish too.

    Even in the examples you used on your demo website you used "digging services" which is not online...

    Anyway is this something that will be developed and provided? if so, how long till then?


  5. #5
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There are no immediate plans for it at this time. Thanks.

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