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Thread: Payment Gateway

  1. #1
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    Guest BenMillar's Avatar

    Payment Gateway

    Hi, I have looked in other posts regarding Payment Gateway, but not found the answer as they are posts from late last year. I am looking to purchase ClassiPress, I know you can currently take payment for placing an Ad through Paypal, are you able to take payments through other Gateways for example SagePay? if not how easy is it to incorporate this into the Theme?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The default payment gateway built into ClassiPress is PayPal, with an option for manual payments also available. You may be interested to know that there are changes being made to the payments functionality in the next major release, ClassiPress v3.3 which will allow the theme to be compatible with other payment gateway plugins available in the AppThemes marketplace. At this time these plugins are not compatible with the existing version of ClassiPress, but the release will change that. Outside of this, you can implement your own payment gateway and there is an available tutorial here which explains the process. Thanks.

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